Follow my new Instagram page @feelheartyIG and twitter @feelhearty_com. Typically, because of the festive eating during the month of Ramadan every year, I usually weigh 5 kilograms more than my previous weight. So, to feel hearty, I came up with a special 30-day challenge while we stay at home because of the pandemic. I exercised […]
Social Media
A Polite Request

Let me share my views about video sharing on social media these days. I have noticed huge increase in number of videos being shared on whatsapp and Facebook. I have on average 10 videos shared by close friends each day and on average 15 to 20 videos shared on each busy whatsapp group in my […]

Today before posting for FeelHearty I checked my last post. It was made on 19th December 2016 and today is 20th January. It seems I’ve been walking in the darkness for around a month or so. For me each FeelHearty post is a ray of light that above anyone else shows me the light in […]
Fred Thorlin

Being contentious and aggressive are two qualities that aid you in winning the game of life. Fred Thorlin who was a director at Attari at one time once told that he played a video game with Bill Gates and defeated him thirty five out of thirty seven times. Then a month later they met again, […]
The secret of Steve Jobs

“Maybe the most under-appreciated thing about Steve (Jobs) was that he had the courage to change his mind.” ~Tim Cook In my opinion the biggest reason why people fail to achieve their dreams is that they fail to realize their own shortcomings and weaknesses. Recognition of one’s own shortcomings is the basis of improving one’s […]
Stock Market
Our lives usually go through lots of ups and downs. These ups and downs may be related to finances, health,… Posted by Feel Hearty on Friday, September 16, 2016
Sharpen first your mind and everything will follow

Every man sees the world according to his own map he created in his mind. His understanding of the world is based upon his map, not on the world itself. That map is created based upon information fed and personal experiences and this information can, of course, be right or wrong. While making a map […]
Knowing your real assets

Can you tell me what’s your most valuable asset? Let me guess… Your house. Your car. Your diamond necklace. The data in your hard disk etc. But there’s one asset that’s more valuable to you than all of these assets. It’s so valuable that none of these assets can be of any use if it’s […]
Find your comfort zone and see that value of it.

One of the most dangerous addictions in a man’s life is an addiction to comfort. What if you’ve got $22 million with you, how would you spend that money? I really can’t say anything about you but I can tell you about Elon Musk, how he spent it. Musk got $22 million (before tax) out […]
Be your own hero

The most beautiful thing you can wear is confidence. ~ Blake Lively Research on attractiveness have found that many traits people find attractive in personality aren’t things you’re born with, like skin color, body shape, height or built. The main factors that matter in attraction are very changeable variables like grooming, well cultured, hygiene, posture, […]