Let the light of the dawn enlighten your life and make you see the reality

In India once a man was condemned to spend a night with a poisonous snake in a cell. He was told that this snake will bite you if you move even slightly.

That man spent the whole night shivering with fear. He was even afraid to breathe lest he wakes up the snake. That man also continuously thanked God for not waking up the snake.

In the morning when sun was up that man came to the realization that what he was told was a snake was in fact a rope. He regretted fearing a rope the whole night.

The same is true with our lives. For most of our lives we live in fear. Fear of taking risks, fear of trying something new, fear of crossing the so called borders of sin and virtue etc. And we keep on thanking God for keeping us safe from the evil. At the end of our lives when we really wake up, we come to the realization that what we were told to be evil was in fact a virtue and what were were told was virtue was in fact evil.

Let the light of the dawn enlighten your life and make you see the reality #FeelHearty

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