Be creative and #FeelHearty

Everybody wants to become a millionaire. There are thousands and thousands of books written on being successful. But can you become a millionaire just by reading books or attending seminars or taking classes? No, you cannot, but knowledge of others can help you to become successful to some extent.

There is no blueprint to being a millionaire. Even if you exactly follow a millionaire’s footsteps, even then you cannot expect to earn more than you invest, because there’s not one but thousands or even millions of factors that are responsible for that millionaire’s success.

But there’s one factor that’s common in every millionaire’s success. It’s common with Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Elon Musk, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, J.K Rowling, Michael Jackson, Picasso etc. What that one factor is?
That factor is: they all have created things: software, computers/phones, records, rockets/cars, search engines, books, songs, paintings etc.

If you want to become a millionaire, you definitely need to create something. Creativity is the key to success.

Be creative and #FeelHearty

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